Kelly Gold
Creative Director
Marketing | Branding | Communication | Designer | Editor
Kelly Gold is an award-winning creative director and designer with 15+ years of diverse creative leadership, design and marketing experience.
Web design, print design, communication & branding, user experience, illustration and streamlining business operations. Working with experts in each field, she collaborates to find creative solutions for every brief.
Gold has been employed on many large-scope projects involving an impressive client list with specialties in the field of corporate communications, AI, branding, strategy, design, illustration and online media.
She received her BFA in Communication Design from Carnegie Mellon University and completed a Harvard Business School Online Management Certificate.
Gold currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky. She has lived and worked in Pittsburgh, PA, New York City and Düsseldorf, Germany.
Awards & Recognitions
International Design Awards (IDA)
Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention
London Int’l Creative Competition Short List
President Award, Alliance Cost Containment
Values Award, Alliance Cost Containment
PIAS Graphics Awards, Excellence Award
AdWeek Top 10 Hot List, Meredith Corp.
Marilyn Meltzer Award, Carnegie Mellon
Nat’l Scholastic Art Awards, Gold & Silver
KY State Fair, Blue Ribbon Bread Winner